What are three things going well in the world?

1 min readNov 8, 2022
Photo by Jonathan Cosens Photography on Unsplash

Today in one of my classes, we were asked ‘If you had the power to preserve THREE things that are going well in the world — what would they be and explain your answers. I then spent the next 15 minutes brainstorming three things going well in the world, and still could barely think of anything. For every kind person in the world, there are two evil. For every good deed, there are two bad. For every act of kindness, there are two mean actions. For every tree planted there are at least two cut down. What is fair and good about our world? While some would kill for 10 dollars, there are people with billions, who spend millions on 14 -minute private jet flights (true fact). So what can we do to change this? We can be the ‘kind’, ‘good’, selfless person who puts others before themselves. We can be the change, be the light in a sea of darkness.

So right now, instead of reading another article, or scrolling through social media on your phone, I want you to get up, and go do a good deed. For me. For us. For everyone.




I want to make a difference, inspire people and help people. I love animals, winter, and books.